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Sampling from a finite population on multiple occasions introduces dependencies between the successive samples when overlap is designed. Such sampling designs lead to efficient statistical estimates, while they allow estimating changes over time for the targeted outcomes. This makes them very popular in real‐world statistical practice. Sampling with partial replacement can also be very efficient in biological and environmental studies where estimation of toxicants and its trends over time is the main interest. Sampling with partial replacement is designed here on two occasions in order to estimate the median concentration of chemical constituents quantified by means of liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Such data represent relative peak areas resulting from the chromatographic analysis. They are therefore positive‐valued and skewed data, and are commonly fitted very well by the log‐normal model. A log‐normal model is assumed here for chemical constituents quantified in mainstream cigarette smoke in a real case study. Combining design‐based and model‐based approaches for statistical inference, we seek for the median estimation of chemical constituents by sampling with partial replacement on two time occasions. We also discuss the limitations of extending the proposed approach to other skewed population models. The latter is investigated by means of a Monte Carlo simulation study.  相似文献   
Substrate removal mechanism in aerobic activated sludge processes was lately modeled using the simultaneous storage and growth (SSAG) phenomenon. The SSAG model was further refined with titrimetric components and successfully calibrated using both respirometric and titrimetric measurements for common substrate acetate. However, the improved SSAG model calibration was not verified with other organic substrates. Furthermore, very few studies are available in the literature on surfactant bio-kinetics, which generally use off-line experimental measurements with limited model-based interpretation. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate its applicability for surfactant biodegradation using on-line measurements. Batch experiments were conducted using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as a test surfactant. Model calibration was done successfully for three different SDS concentrations using respirometric, titrimetric and combined respirometric-titrimetric measurement approaches. The parameter estimation results from all three stated combinations were statistically evaluated and found to be very close validating the model.  相似文献   
增生性玻璃体视网膜病变是导致视网膜脱离手术失败的主要原因,建立动物模型能更好的研究其发病机理,从而进行防治。本文就PVR动物模型的所用动物、模型的建立方法以及评价和分级进行综述。  相似文献   
心力衰竭是一种复杂的临床症候群,它是各种心脏病的终末阶段,发病率及病死率均较高,严重危害着人类健康,为了广泛深入地研究和治疗心力衰竭,迫切需要建立该病的动物模型。本综述复习了近年来文献,介绍目前较为成熟的心力衰竭动物模型的应用,同时比较之间的优缺点。  相似文献   
目的建立甲型H5N1流感病毒感染雪貂动物模型[1-3]。方法 H5N1流感病毒株A/Vietnam/1203/2004病毒以103和104 TCID50滴度分别感染雪貂。对4~10月龄去势雪貂经兽用氯胺酮轻度麻醉后进行滴鼻感染,每个稀释度接种3只雪貂,感染后第5天安乐处死。感染后每天记录雪貂一般临床变化。感染前0 d采集鼻甲骨活检,感染后1~5 d鼻甲骨活检检测病毒载量和病毒滴度。处死时取雪貂气管、肺、心、肝、脾、肾、小肠、脑组织作病毒滴度检测和病理检查。结果 H5N1103和104 TCID50的病毒分别感染雪貂,雪貂死亡都率在33%。103TCID50和104 TCID50病毒分别感染雪貂,动物都出现持续3 d体温升高,104 TCID50组出现超过20%的体重下降。上呼吸道排毒呈现上升趋势,并可在除呼吸系统以外的组织器官中分离到病毒。感染的雪貂病理表现为重度肺炎。结论雪貂感染H5N1病毒株后在临床表现、病毒学、分子生物学、病理学方面的检测都可以证实雪貂感染H5N1病毒动物模型已建立,104 TCID50病毒滴度是一个建立感染动物模型比较合适的剂量。  相似文献   
目的评估经股动脉穿刺超选造影、静脉造影、心脏穿刺造影和左侧耳中央动脉穿刺造影方法显示弹性酶诱导的兔囊状动脉瘤的可行性。方法取10只新西兰兔,采用弹性酶诱导方法制作兔右侧颈总动脉起始部囊状动脉瘤模型。术后3周对所有动物分别进行经股动脉穿刺超选造影、静脉造影、心脏穿刺造影和左侧耳中央动脉穿刺造影,根据造影结果测量动脉瘤短径、长径和瘤颈宽。采用重复测量设计的方差分析方法比较不同造影方法显示的动脉瘤相关参数测量结果差异。结果采用经股动脉穿刺超选造影、静脉造影、心脏穿刺造影和左侧耳中央动脉穿刺造影方法均能较清楚的显示的动脉瘤,比较不同造影方法测量的动脉瘤短径、长径和瘤颈宽均无统计学差异(P值分别是0.646,0.427和0.625)。结论不同的造影方法均能较准确显示弹性酶诱导的兔囊状动脉瘤大小,根据不同的实验目的和条件可选用不同的造影方法。  相似文献   
支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)是常见的慢性病,随着过敏患者的增加,小鼠过敏性哮喘模型的研究越来越重要。本文通过对近年来国内外小鼠过敏性哮喘的实验研究文献进行总结,从实验小鼠的选择、制备模型的方法及模型的评价指标等方面进行综合分析,为进一步开展哮喘研究提供帮助。  相似文献   
目的 建立小鼠结核分枝杆菌耐利福平株静脉感染小鼠模型.方法 30只BALB/c雌性小鼠经尾静脉感染结核分枝杆菌耐利福平株每只106 CFU,观察小鼠一般状况,并分别在感染后6周、10周、14周处死小鼠,进行脾、肺组织病理切片、抗酸染色、计脏器荷菌数.结果 感染后小鼠体重呈逐渐上升趋势,脏器病理变化随时间推移由急性炎症逐...  相似文献   
Mucositis is a debilitating adverse effect of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It is important to develop a simple and reliable in vitro model, which can routinely be used to screen new drugs for prevention and treatment of mucositis. Furthermore, identifying cell and molecular stresses especially in the initiation phase of mucositis in this model will help towards this end. We evaluated a three-dimensional (3-D) human oral cell culture that consisted of oral keratinocytes and fibroblasts as a model of oral mucositis. The 3-D cell culture model was irradiated with 12 or 2 Gy. Six hours after the irradiation we evaluated microscopic sections of the cell culture for evidence of morphologic changes including apoptosis. We used microarrays to compare the expression of several genes from the irradiated tissue with identical genes from tissue that was not irradiated. We found that irradiation with 12 Gy induced significant histopathologic effects including cellular apoptosis. Irradiation significantly affected the expression of several genes of the NF-kB pathway and several inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1B, 1L-8, NF-kB1, and FOS compared to tissue that was not irradiated. We identified significant upregulation of several genes that belong to damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) such as HMB1, S100A13, SA10014, and SA10016 in the 3-D tissues that received 12 Gy but not in tissues that received 2 Gy. In conclusion, this model quantifies radiation damage and this is an important first step towards the development 3-D tissue as a screening tool.  相似文献   
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